As you probably know, now the way the reader interacts with the content sends “signals” to Google, so if he thought your article was interesting and he’s been around long enough, or if he’s clicked on one of your links to keep learning about the subject because he trusts you as an expert, Google’s radar will consider your post in a positive way.
Therefore, we find that creating a solid content marketing strategy is vital to attract and retain users. Producing quality content is not difficult and will serve as a boost, as a secondary benefit, to rank you in search engines.
To find out how to make a perfect content strategy, follow our tips:
1. define your objetives
To create good quality content you have to be very clear about what your purpose is.
To start, take a pen and a piece of paper (or any note app) and aim if you want to create content to increase your brand awareness, generate potential customers, convert users, get old customers to buy back from you, improve your ranking or a completely different goal. Whatever your business needs.
Once you have clearly defined your goals, you must determine whether a content strategy is, in fact, the best way to achieve them. Don’t assume that content is always the best option. For example, content can be of little use in turning users into the bottom of the sales funnel; however, it could be invaluable in making your brand known and generating new leads.
2. Research your audience
As we told you in our post how to sell more with your blog in 2020, your content strategy will only be effective when you know who you’re talking to.
Take a look at our article to find out for sure who your personal buyer is and to know the right way to find him, address him and amaze him to subscribe.
Contrast what types of websites your prospects are already visiting, what content they interact with, and what social networking platforms they share it with.
Not many people know this, but you can snoop all this information by enabling Google Demographics and Interests in Google Analytics (you go to the platform, click on “Admin”, in the “Property” column, click on “Property Settings” and, under Advertising Features, activate the “Enable demographic reports and interest reports”).
Another way to use Google Analytics to find out if your content is really satisfying your audience is to go to the platform, click on Behavior > Site Content > Content Breakdown. To find the best posts you can sort them by different factors, such as average time on the page, bounce rate or visits to the post.
With this information, you’ll be able to create content that’s actually targeted at the user, rather than the content you want to offer.
Once you know what content interests them, do a keyword search to find out which words you can use to rank your content. Once positioned, that video will be doing your job for you by creating leads.
3. Focus on your niche
Look, to prevent your content from getting lost in the yuppie worlds of the Internet where people only create refusals and don’t offer quality content, the only thing you can do is create content that stands out, that is special, that has a unique voice that no one else has and, most importantly, that answers your readers’ questions with quality information.
You will have more opportunities to be an authority in your field the more concrete you are and the more you think about a certain niche.
4. Measures results. ask your audience
Haven’t you ever noticed that most bloggers create content without ever asking their audience what they’d like to read?
At Interamplify we’ve always thought that was like having a phone call with someone who’s silent: you can talk and talk but you don’t know if that’s what they wanted to hear, what they think of your content or what they’d like to ask you.
You can measure the results of your marketing efforts as we’ve taught you before, yes, but you need to ask your audience directly what they liked, what they didn’t like, and why.
You can ask them in social networks for comments and suggestions. You can talk to other members of the community to better understand the needs of your target audience. Send surveys through newsletters, etc.
It doesn’t matter how, but communicate with your audience.
5. Amplify your content
That’s precisely where our company name comes from: interamplify.
What does amplification mean? It means getting your content to reach a wider audience.
Why would you want to amplify your content? Well, it’s obvious, isn’t it?
Because a solid content strategy with objective content creation is only the first part of the equation, the final part is the amplification you make of it.
The best way to amplify is to determine what websites or places your audience frequents and publish on them to reach them. That’s it, as easy as it seems. Are we talking about making posts in Facebook groups where your personal buyer is? That’s right. And a thousand other ways. The more original you are, the better.
Another way to amplify your content is to make it reach various media (more info here), or get links that make your article rank for interesting keywords that offer recurring visits in the future, the best way to do these last two things is through linkbuilding.
Tip: Also take advantage of the reach your employees and customers can have to do it. Don’t be embarrassed to ask for a favor to get people reading that article that has taken you 5 hours to write
At Interamplify we are experts at creating content strategies that deliver results. Let us know what your needs are on our Contact page, we answer pretty quick.